Category Archives: Section A: Articles in Journals


Quinn, Elton Leroy. “The Surface Tension of Liquid Carbon Dioxide.” Journal of the American Chemical Society (American Chemical Society) 49, no. 11 (1927): 2704-2711.

Chemistry professor Elton Quinn wrote four journal articles and a textbook during this time period. All of his works focused on various aspects of carbon dioxide. The first article was written in 1927, two in 1928, one in 1929. The 1928 papers were written while Quinn was on sabbatical leave at Stanford. Quinn’s textbook Carbon Dioxide was part of the American Chemical Society Monograph series and served as a “treatise” to bring together all the relevant information to date on carbon dioxide. Quinn did not retain any of the copyright in his works.

Type of Publisher

Original Copyright Holder
American Chemical Society.

Historical Article Distribution and Current Market
The journal began in April 1879, three years after the society was formed. The society’s initial membership was 35 chemists and by 1930 had 18,206. The society published the journal annually. Other than membership numbers, the actual number of subscribers is not known nor is the subscription price. 1,463 libraries currently subscribe to the journal and the article is for sale from ACS Publications.

Times Cited

Digital Archive
ACS Publications



Quinn, Elton Leroy. “Solubility of Lubricating Oil in Liquid Carbon Dioxide.” Industrial and Engineering Chemistry (American Chemical Society) 20, no. 7 (1928): 735-737.

Chemistry professor Elton Quinn wrote four journal articles and a textbook during this time period. All of his works focused on various aspects of carbon dioxide. The first article was written in 1927, two in 1928, one in 1929. The 1928 papers were written while Quinn was on sabbatical leave at Stanford. Quinn’s textbook Carbon Dioxide was part of the American Chemical Society Monograph series and served as a “treatise” to bring together all the relevant information to date on carbon dioxide. Quinn did not retain any of the copyright in his works.

Type of Publisher

Original Copyright Holder
American Chemical Society.

Historical Article Distribution and Current Market
The journal was published monthly and distributed to members who also paid a separate subscription fee, which, according to the 1909 annual meeting report was $7.50. Fees to join and renew were $2.50. Membership in 1909 stood at 4,564. Non-members could subscribe to the journal for $6 a year, but there are no records detailing distribution to non-members. The journal is currently held by 1,286 libraries.

Times Cited

Digital Archive
ACS Publications



Quinn, Elton Leroy.. “The Internal Pressure of Liquid Carbon Dioxide from Solubility Measurements.” Journal of the American Chemical Society (American Chemical Society) 50, no. 3 (1928): 672-681.

Chemistry professor Elton Quinn wrote four journal articles and a textbook during this time period. All of his works focused on various aspects of carbon dioxide. The first article was written in 1927, two in 1928, one in 1929. The 1928 papers were written while Quinn was on sabbatical leave at Stanford. Quinn’s textbook Carbon Dioxide was part of the American Chemical Society Monograph series and served as a “treatise” to bring together all the relevant information to date on carbon dioxide. Quinn did not retain any of the copyright in his works.

Type of Publisher

Original Copyright Holder
American Chemical Society.

Historical Article Distribution and Current Market
The journal began in April 1879, three years after the society was formed. The society’s initial membership was 35 chemists and by 1930 had 18,206. The society published the journal annually. Other than membership numbers, the actual number of subscribers is not known nor is the subscription price. 1,463 libraries currently subscribe to the journal and the article is for sale from ACS Publications.

Times Cited

Digital Archive
ACS Publications



Quinn, Elton Leroy and Grant Wernimont. “The Densities of Coexisting Liquid and Gaseous Nitrous Oxide.” Journal of the American Chemical Society (American Chemical Society) 51, no. 7 (1929): 2002-2008.

Chemistry professor Elton Quinn wrote four journal articles and a textbook during this time period. All of his works focused on various aspects of carbon dioxide. The first article was written in 1927, two in 1928, one in 1929. The 1928 papers were written while Quinn was on sabbatical leave at Stanford. Quinn’s textbook Carbon Dioxide was part of the American Chemical Society Monograph series and served as a “treatise” to bring together all the relevant information to date on carbon dioxide. Quinn did not retain any of the copyright in his works.

Type of Publisher

Original Copyright Holder
American Chemical Society.

Historical Article Distribution and Current Market
The journal began in April 1879, three years after the society was formed. The society’s initial membership was 35 chemists and by 1930 had 18,206. The society published the journal annually. Other than membership numbers, the actual number of subscribers is not known nor is the subscription price. 1,463 libraries currently subscribe to the journal and the article is for sale from ACS Publications.

Times Cited

Digital Archive
ACS Publications



Bonner, Walter D. “The recovery of iodine as sodium iodide from waste iodide solutions.” Journal of Chemical Education7, no. 3 (1930): 616-617.

Chemistry professor Walter D. Bonner published several journal articles from 1929-1940. The only cited article was this article on iodine from 1930.

Type of Publisher

Original Copyright Holder
American Chemical Society

Historical Article Distribution and Current Market
The journal was started by the ACS Section of Chemical Education in 1924. The section had 1,000 members at the time. Currently, 1,766 libraries subscribe. The article is for sale by ACS Publications

Times Cited

Digital Archive
ACS Publications



Brighton, Thomas. “Salt-making on the Great Salt Lake.” Journal of Chemical Education 9, no. 3 (1932): 407-415.

The author analyzed a series of samples and studied the salt-making process to determine that Utah produced high-quality salt which represented 1% of salt production in the United States.

Type of Publisher

Original Copyright Holder
American Chemical Society

Historical Article Distribution and Current Market
The journal was started by the ACS Section of Chemical Education in 1924. The section had 1,000 members at the time. Currently, 1,766 libraries subscribe. The article is for sale by ACS Publications

Times Cited

Digital Archive
ACS Publications



Thomas, Elbert Duncan. “Universal Approach to History Study.” The Oregon Historical Quarterly (Oregon Historical Society) 34, no. 4 (December 1933): 289-303.

History professor Elbert Thomas presented this speech on the importance of a “world-wide attitude or approach” to history at the annual meeting of the Oregon Historical Society on October 28, 1933.

Type of Publisher

Original Copyright Holder

Historical Article Distribution and Current Market
The journal was started by a professor at the University of Oregon, Frederic Young, in 1900 for the Oregon Historical Society. Membership or circulation numbers are not yet known, but 755 libraries currently subscribe.

Times Cited

Digital Archive



Behle, William H. “A History of the Bird Colonies of Great Salt Lake.” The Condor (Cooper Ornithological Society), 1935: 24-35.

Biology professor William Behle described the four water bird colonies located on the islands of the Great Salt Lake. Behle did not retain his copyright in the article.

Type of Publisher

Original Copyright Holder
Cooper Ornithological Club of California

Historical Article Distribution and Current Market
The journal started in 1899 as the bi-monthly Bulletin of the Cooper Ornithological Club of California. Subscription was $1 a year in 1899. By 1935, the subscription was $3 a year. One copy cost $0.50. The society began in 1893 with four members and grew to over 3,000 members in the 1990s, which it maintains roughly today after a merger with the American Ornithologists’ Union. 654 libraries currently subscribe.

Times Cited

Digital Archive


Tugman, Orin. “The Use of a Hot Wire to Locate the Nodes in a Stationary Sound Wave.” Review of Scientific Instruments (American Institute of Physics) 7 (July 1936): 287.

Physics professor Orin Tugman wrote two brief journal articles on microphones in 1927 and 1936. The American Institute of Physics holds the copyright for both articles.

Type of Publisher

Original Copyright Holder
American Institute of Physics

Historical Article Distribution and Current Market
The journal started in 1930 as an add-on to the Journal of the Optical Society of America.  In the opening editorial (authored by someone with the initials F.K.R.), it was argued that new discoveries come from updates and changes to instrumentation. The editor expressed some concern about adding to the proliferation of scientific journals, but justified its existence because of the connection between investigation and instrumentation. Historical distribution and price not known. 1,463 libraries currently subscribe.

Times Cited

Digital Archive
AIP Publishing


Durrant, Stephen. “A new gopher from Antelope Island, Great Salt Lake, Utah.” Bulletin of the University of Utah, 27 2, 1936: 2-4.

Type of Publisher

Original Copyright Holder

Historical Article Distribution and Current Market
Currently held by 34 libraries. Article is not for sale.

Times Cited

Digital Archive
University of Utah