Note on the Bibliographical Entries

The bibliography is separated into two sections: one for journal articles, Section A, and one for books, Section B. Each entry is titled with the letter-number combination corresponding to the section and numerical order based on the year the work was published.

Section A: Articles in Journals

For journal articles, entries include title, author, author’s discipline, name of the journal, year of publication, type of publisher, original copyright holder, historical article distribution & current market (equivalent to the study of a book’s transmission), times cited, and digital archive.

Section B: Books

For books, entries include title, author, author’s discipline, description of the book as a material object, description of the contents of the book, a brief study of the transmission of the text through a history of impressions, issues, and editions (if possible) including price, distribution, size of sale all in relation to publishing practices at the time, study of usage, citations, and library holdings.