
Bolin, Jakob. “Gymnastics as an Orthopedic Prophylactic in the School.” Journal of Proceedings and Addresses of the National Education Association, July 1913: 688-694.

Physical education professor Jakob Bolin published a paper in the Journal of Proceedings and Addresses of the National Education Association in 1913. The meeting was held in Salt Lake City in July 1913 and Professor Bolin presented on the importance of physical activity for children during the school day. He provided a simple gymnastics program for teachers in order to maintain the “normal mobility of the skeleton.” The National Education Association is listed as the publisher and the University of Chicago Press is listed at the printer and distributor; neither institution is listed as the copyright holder.

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Original Copyright Holder

Historical Article Distribution and Current Market
No historical membership or journal distribution data available. The journal is currently held by 1,374 libraries.

Times Cited

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