Category Archives: A29


Tugman, Orin. “The Use of a Hot Wire to Locate the Nodes in a Stationary Sound Wave.” Review of Scientific Instruments (American Institute of Physics) 7 (July 1936): 287.

Physics professor Orin Tugman wrote two brief journal articles on microphones in 1927 and 1936. The American Institute of Physics holds the copyright for both articles.

Type of Publisher

Original Copyright Holder
American Institute of Physics

Historical Article Distribution and Current Market
The journal started in 1930 as an add-on to the Journal of the Optical Society of America.  In the opening editorial (authored by someone with the initials F.K.R.), it was argued that new discoveries come from updates and changes to instrumentation. The editor expressed some concern about adding to the proliferation of scientific journals, but justified its existence because of the connection between investigation and instrumentation. Historical distribution and price not known. 1,463 libraries currently subscribe.

Times Cited

Digital Archive
AIP Publishing